Uh-oh. Joey feels a headache comin' on.
There you have the central hook for the new Joey + Rory single from their upcoming new album. Long story short: Husband wants to go fishing with his buddies on the weekend that he promised to stay home with his family (which would entail tending to a rather lengthly "honey-do" list), and his wife is backhandedly attempting to talk him out of it.
Lines like "I hope you have more luck fishing than you do when you get home" could come across as overly bitter and threatening if given the wrong vocal treatment. But when Joey delivers the goofy tongue-in-cheek verses, you can almost hear the sly grin on her face as she's singing. Of course, it doesn't hurt either that the boot-stomping rhythm and cheeky steel guitar hook is extremely catchy.
So, it's another fun and charming single from country music's most effortlessly likeable husband-and-wife duo. Curiously, radio still hasn't bitten on them yet, but any lack of airplay will be compensated by endless rotation on my iPod.
(Scores are given on a scale of 1 to 10)