Songwriters: Philip White, Chris Tompkins
Though Scotty McCreery has often been cited as a Josh Turner soundalike, his new single "The Trouble with Girls," sounds like it owes more to Rodney Atkins. No, that is not a compliment. "The Trouble with Girls recalls Rodney Atkins at his weakest. (Think "Chasin' Girls")
Scotty possesses a genuinely strong singing voice. But, oh Lord, they keep giving him the lamest songs ever. It was already going to take me a long time to forgive him for the grammatically-awkward snoozefest of "I Love You This Big" (which I hated... THIS big). But sadly, "The Trouble with Girls" finds Scotty once again attempting to sell a set of lyrics that are - for lack of a better description - barftastic.
It seems ironic to criticize a song by a 17-year-old artist for being in some way "immature," but this is just so juvenile that it's nauseating. It's three and a half minutes of "Aw shucks" country boy bunkum ranging from "Spent my whole life tryin' to figure out just what them girls is all about" to ruminations on how said girls are just "so dang pretty." Once again, I can't get over the suspicion that a pocket rhyming dictionary played an integral part in the songwriting process. Two verses in, the song erupts into a dynamic string-laden power ballad. Now it just sounds like it's trying to appear more meaningful and groundbreaking than it actually is, as if to cover up the fact that it says absolutely nothing of consequence. Thus, the song is unsalvagably drowned in syrup.
When I saw Scotty on American Idol, I was this close to becoming a fan. I honestly thought this kid was going to be good. But I'm beyond disappointed with the material the label's been giving him. I can't stay on board if he's just going to be a vehicle for endless saccharrinity to be foisted upon us.
(Scores are given on a scale of 1 to 10)