In exploring the country blogosphere, it's largely inevitable that you come across comments that make such claims as...
"Those who can do. Those who can't... become critics."
Let's talk about this for a moment. In essence, such commenters claim that music critics are nothing but grumpy old sourpusses who have no musical talent and no hopes of achieving a successful music career, and who thus try to feel better about themselves by slinging mud at those who do have such potential. Strangely enough, such comments only seem to appear on negative reviews. I have yet to see one on a positive review.
Let's break down these assumptions. First of all, is there any sound basis for asserting that music critics never have any musical talent of their own? That may be what some of us would like to believe when we come across a scathing review that we strongly disagree with. But let's be humble about this - We really don't know, do we? Some critics are very talented musicians, and it's not a given fact that every person on earth with the slightest shred of musical talent is going to pursue fame and fortune as a country star. Bear in mind also that good writing is a talent in itself. Perhaps the said critic has found that his true calling is to be a writer rather than a professional musician. At any rate, there is little basis for assuming that the critic does what he does solely because he is not the one making the hit records.

Understandably, this might beg the question of "If y'all are motivated by passion, then why so many negative reviews?"
Consider another typical comment-thread complaint:
Negative reviews happen. That's just the way it is. But that in no way suggests that an unimpressed reviewer is negative about music in general. Since we have a passion for great music, that passion often causes us to be particularly critical of not-so-great music. So why don't we keep our opinions to ourselves? Since mainstream releases from major record labels draw a great deal of attention, record buyers are interested in knowing if it's really worth their dollars. So we eagerly listen to new releases, and review them to help our readers determine what's worth buying. If we honestly don't think it's any good, then we tell you why we hold that opinion. Thus, negative reviews serve a purpose just as the positive ones do.

As an avid country music blogger, I can say that it always makes me happy when I see comments like these:
"Thanks for the review, was trying to decide whether or not to buy it. I think I've decided, upon reading this, that I will."

Introducing you to great music is like introducing you to a dear friend of ours. One of the most satisfying aspects of reviewing music is having the opportunity to introduce you to new music that you might not have discovered otherwise.
There are countless different styles of music to choose from, even just within the genre boundaries of what we call country music, and there is an endless variety of opinions on music. Surely, the Internet is big enough to accomodate all of them. A country music blog is an ideal forum for all of us to share the great music we love, to freely express our opinions, and to engage in discussion over it. In today's digital age, such interaction is made quicker and easier than ever before. We may agree. We may disagree. But the one thing that all of us have in common is that we all have a deep love for great music. We may have our differences, but our passion for the music is what unites us.
Wow, that last sentence could really use a string section and a gospel choir, don'tcha think?