These guys have been trying to crack the Top 40 ever since 2005, and so far they have met with repeated failures. Will the Randy Rogers Band's current single, "Too Late for Goodbye," give them their long-awaited breakthrough?
Though this tune has decent production, featuring some nifty work on the guitar and fiddle, the song seems clumsily written. The song's lyrics attempt to describe the impending end of a relationship. In the song, the narrator's once-significant other is giving him the "We need some time apart" routine, but he tells her that it's too late to save their relationship. Frankly, I can't tell how the declaration "It's too late for goodbye" is supposed to drive that point home - it makes little sense. Why does he say that "it's too late for goodbye" when it seems that he is about to say just that - "goodbye"? Randy goes on to assert that "It's too late/ It's all gone/ You had your chance/ You took too long," among other things. In the end, the song comes off as a rambling tirade with no real direction to it. He tops it all off with a pointless cliche ("Let me beat you to the punch").
Though the lyrics are not impressive, it's mainly the vocal performance that does the song in. When Randy sings lines such as "After all the hell you put me through," he should actually sound like he has been put through hell, but his weak delivery does not fully convey the song's emotions. The performance is not convincing, and it ultimately falls flat.
(Scores are given on a scale of 1 to 10)
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